segunda-feira, 28 de fevereiro de 2011

Challenge 1

Hello students and welcome to the first challenge.

Please go to this website,, observe the presentation and answer the following questions:

What is the compulsory (obrigatória) age for British students?

Give me the name of two (2) examintaions.

What is the percentage of students that achieve higher education?

12 comentários:

  1. The cumpulsory age is betewn 5-16.
    The name of two examintaions are: SAT and 11+.
    The percentage is 30 percente.

    Nº8 7º 9º

  2. the age is 5 to 16 years.
    the names are: A-levels , 11+ .
    the percentage is 30%.

    nº1 7º9 alexandre

  3. The ages are 5 to 16, the exams are 11+ and SAT, and the percentage is 30
    nº 1 7º6º

  4. The ages are 5 to 16, the exams are 11+ and SAT, and the percentage is
    nº18 7º6

  5. The ages is between 5 to 16,the exams are 11+and SAT,and the percentage is 30%
    Nº3 7º 8ª

  6. The compulsory age for British students is between 5 and 16.
    Two examintaions can be SAT and 11+.
    The percentage of students that achieve higher education is 30%.

    Nº23 7º8ª

  7. The cumpulsory age is betewn 5 and 16, the examintaions can be SAT and 11+, and the percentage is 30%.

    Nº11 7º8ª

  8. The age is between 5 and 16.
    The examintaions are 11+ and SAT.
    The percentage is 30%.

    Nº7 7º8ª

  9. The cumpulsory age is between 5-16.
    The exams are 11+ and SAT.
    The percentage of students that achieve higher education is 30%.

    nº14 7º6ª

  10. the compulsory age for British students is between 5 and 16.
    The name of two examintaions are:A-levels and 11+.
    The percentage of students that achieve higher education is 30%.

    Nº6 7º9ª

  11. The ages are between 5 to 16, the exams are 11+ and SAT, and the percentage is 30

    Nº22 7º8ª

  12. The ages are between 5 to 16.
    The exams are 11+ and SAT.
    The percentage is 30%

    nº9 7º8ª
